My plan for this project is I want to take my college year experience here at CU Boulder and try to leave a powerful message using pictures, sketches, and inspiration. I am currently a senior here at the University of Colorado Boulder Leeds Business school and during my four years at this school I have witnessed several good and bad things about the Boulder community. My first year in college I noticed right away that it wasn’t a very diverse college but rather a large white community college. A college where most individuals grew up in wealthy families. I felt intimidated and at times I didn’t think I belonged. I felt like I always needed to wear makeup, look pretty, work out, and be very social in order to meet the boulder girl standard.
Therefore, I would get in my head very often because I felt like I always needed approval, especially getting into frat parties. Now being a senior, I realized that I am not the only girl being pressured to achieve acceptance in society, especially in the boulder community. So, I decided I want to create a story to show that no matter who you are, where you come from, how you look, our community can be a better place. We can change the community. We can stop being judgmental but for us to come as one we must start with planting a seed. If we come together to plant this peaceful seed than the seed would grow into a greener, happier, friendlier, and better world.